Nandrolone Decanoate
Nandrolone Decanoate 300mg/ml
1 x 10ML vial, 300 mg per ml
Nandrolone is a widely used steroid belonging to the 19 nors family.
19-Nors are generally characterized by their anabolism and progestogenic activity.
They are very anabolic, but they also exhibit significant amounts of satellite interaction with other receptors in the body.
The most notable being their interaction with the Progesterone receptor.
19-Nor derived progestins are agonists of the Progesterone receptor, which means that they can bind to the Progesterone receptor and activate it.
Nandrolone causes a reduction in the ability to perceive pain (which increase is confused with a healing effect) and can also be reduced to DHN, DHN can displace DHT from its receptors causing several side effects, among which mood swings stand out and absence of erections, this can be remedied using Masteron, Proviron or some other steroid that reacts directly with the androgen receptor through DHT.
Normal doses are usually 200 to 400 mg per week for beginners and intermediate athletes, with the possibility of using 800 per week for specific or competitive purposes.
Since it has a long ester it is recommended to inject it EOD or E3D.
Batch No: OJ32061
Manufacturing date: 03.2023.
Expiry date: 03.2026.

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